Sustainability Initiatives


We're dedicated to crafting exceptional beer while prioritizing intentional sustainability to reduce our environmental footprint. From waste reduction to water conservation, here's how we're making a positive impact:

We meticulously sort our recyclables to maximize recycling rates. Hard-to-recycle plastics (such as PakTech 4-pack carriers) are sent to the Ward 6 recycling center as part of The City of Tucson’s Orange Bin Plastics Initiative, while glass, cans, paper & cardboard are directly recycled at specialized centers.

CANS: All our packaged beer exclusively comes in cans. Aluminum cans boast 73% recycled content, far surpassing the 23% found in glass bottles. After in-house recycle separation, our aluminum recyclables head to a metal recycling center. There, they undergo a process of shredding, remelting, and solidification into new cans at an aluminum manufacturing plant.

WATER CONSERVATION: Through daily monitoring, we track our water usage to find efficiencies and ensure we're responsibly using this resource that is so precious to our desert climate.

BREWING: We prioritize sustainability in sourcing our ingredients by partnering with Proximity Malt, which operates within a 100-mile radius of their facility in Montrose CO, reducing our fossil fuel footprint. Spent grain is repurposed at a local family farm in Sahuarita AZ, contributing to circularity in waste management.

DOMESTICALLY SOURCED INGREDIENTS: Our commitment to reducing carbon usage extends to sourcing domestically grown hops. Through partnerships with hop farmers like Perrault Farms, we engage in ongoing dialogue to optimize farming practices, including reducing soil amendments and monitoring water usage. Additionally, our hop partner, Indie Hops, mandates Salmon-safe certification for all their farms.

ALTERNATIVE COMMUTING: Many of our staff commute by bicycle, further diminishing our carbon footprint. In addition, we actively promote biking among our patrons by providing bicycle parking inside and outside our taproom. Partnering with Living Streets Alliance and local bicycle shops around Tucson, we organize events and group bike rides year-round to inspire more individuals to embrace biking, building confidence in bicycle commuting throughout Tucson.